Local Tax Rates

Property Ad valorem tax rate FY 2024-2025 per $100 of assessed value:
City of Corsicana: 0.4948
Navarro County: 0.3534
Corsicana ISD: 0.86200
Navarro College District: 0.0968
Road and Bridge: 0.0728
Total: $1.8798
Sales & Use
State of Texas: 6.25%
City of Corsicana 1.5%
Navarro County 0.5%
Total: 8.25%
Unemployment Insurance
2.7% general entry rate charged on first $9,000 of wages per employee
Reassessed after 6 quarters and charged at own experience rate
Effective tax rate ranges from 0.26% to 6.25%
Workers Compensation
Not required by state.
Options include:
State-operated Texas Workers’
Compensation Insurance Fund
Licensed private insurance company
Maximum weekly benefit of $938